Health management: cooperation for Moscow, Russia and world in percentages


The Division of Scientific Activity Monitoring of the Research Institute NIIOZMM calculated the percentages of publications at the global, Russian and Moscow levels based on the categories of health management collaboration. Analysis showed that Moscow had the least publications (6.4%) with a single author and without cooperation (the world - 18.1%, Russia - 6.9%), the most publications (47.9%) in the context of international cooperation (the world – 37.7%, Russia – 44.5%) as well as the highest rate (13.1%) of international publications compared to Russia (12.7%).

For the field, the initial percentage of international publications in Moscow is lower than in Russia (0.2 p.p., 11.3% for Russia and 11.1% for Moscow) while the final percentage is higher than in Russia (0.7 p.p., 13.5% for Russia and 14.2% for Moscow).

The infographics to the material is available here.